New Marketplace Items: Armored Action Centaur and Square Stones
Greetings, Norrathians! Take a look at the newest items available in the Station Marketplace, starting today, including am Armored Action Centaur and three new stones you can build with! Read more!
Nov 05, 2010
November 5, 2010 Greetings, Norrathians! Take a look at the newest items available in the Station Marketplace, starting today! Pick up an Armored Action Centaur, Guardian Worg Pup, or your choice of Square Blue Building Stones this week, and decorate your new home! Armored Action Centaur  Left to right: Simple Blue Marble Building Block, Blue Marble Trimmed Building Block, Blue Marble Patterned Building Block To purchase these items in-game, type /marketplace, and please join the discussion on our official forums!  | |
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