Norrathian Home Show - Wars
Novemer 11, 2010 Greetings Norrathians. Wars invites us to tour his castle in this week's home show! Read more.
Nov 11, 2010
 November 11, 2010 Wars' First Castle in Norrath Pine Farms, 111 Brimming way Xegony I turned my house into a Castle, this change took many hours of placing objects so they would line up and match, I started building this the day the expansion launched. I had not planned to do this I just started and couldn't stop. The pillars were placed in the four corners of the yard and can be seen from very far away. I claim to be the first castle in Norrath. The living room contains the start of my art collection. Highlights include three pieces of art from EverQuest and Legends of Norrath on the living room wall Vox, Fit for Kings and Thule family art. An extra large bed because my wife has a lot of alts. And the armory made to match the outside of the castle, fully stocked with many weapons I used at one time in my career. To purchase these items in-game, type /marketplace and please on our official forums! | |
Veterans Day 2010
Congratulations to the Winners of the Pumpkin …