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Did you know?: Expeditions
The term "Expedition" refers to unique instances of zones that are created specifically for your group or raid. Once the expedition has been created, players can be added and removed at will. There are other options available for expeditions, as shown below. Read more!
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Nov 12, 2010
The term "Expedition" refers to unique instances of zones that are created specifically for your group or raid. Once the expedition has been created, players can be added and removed at will. There are other options available for expeditions, as shown below.
Expedition Interface:
The expedition interface contains specific information about the dynamic zone that is assigned to you, as follows:
Assigned Expedition: Shows the expedition assigned to you
Leader: The name of your expedition leader.
Members: Lists all members that are assigned to the expedition.
Number of Players: Lists the number of players in the expedition.
Max Players: The maximum number of players that can take part in the expedition.
Quit Expedition: Removes you from the expedition. There will be a confirmation window for this action. You will have one minute until you are teleported out of an expedition zone and into the zone and area where the expedition was entered.
Outstanding Expedition Timers: The amount of time remaining until you can take part in the same expedition zone.
Leader Options: Contains options only available to the leader. See Leader Options below for more information.
Leader Options:
These are options that are only available to the expedition leader. The available options work on the player who is targeted by the leader and who appears in the "Player Targeted" field. This field is updated when a new player is targeted, or a name from the Members section is selected. The available options are:
Add Player: This will send an invitation to the targeted player to join the expedition. You must be below the maximum number of players allowed for the expedition and the player must be online. The player that is invited must accept the expedition in order to be added to it.
Remove Player: This will remove the targeted player from the expedition. As the leader, you may remove any player, online or offline, during the expedition. This action gives the player in the expedition zone one minute until he or she is teleported out of the expedition zone and into the zone and area where the expedition was entered.
Make Leader: This will make the targeted player the new Expedition leader. The player must be online at the time.
Expedition Commands:
The following commands can be typed in your main chat window. They provide the same information and functionality as the expedition window. All Expedition commands start with "/dz" -- short form of "dynamic zone."
General Commands
/dzHelp: This displays a listing of all available expedition commands and describes their functionality.
/dzPlayerList: Lists all members of your expedition.
Leader Commands
/dzAddPlayer: Same as the expedition window "Add Player" button, but allows a leader to invite a player they do not have targeted. This is useful for inviting players that are not in the same zone.
/dzRemovePlayer: Same as the expedition window "Remove Player" button, but allows a leader to remove a player they do not have targeted. This is useful for inviting players that are not in the same zone.
/dzMakeLeader: Same as the Expedition window "Make Leader" button, but allows a leader to make a player they do not have targeted the leader. This is useful for inviting players that are not in the same zone.