Norrathians have plenty to be thankful for during this season of giving. Special bonus periods, the return of the Skinwalker Halloween event, and a free gift awaits them. Read more!
Nov 22, 2010
Norrathians have plenty to be thankful for during this season of giving. Special bonus periods, the return of the Skinwalker Halloween event, and a free gift awaits them. Symbol of the Sated From Tuesday, November 23rd to Monday, November 29th, the Symbol of the Sated will be available on the Marketplace at no cost! This symbol causes those around you to yawn as if sated. Fall Faction Frenzy During this season of the harvest, it's time to gather together and be thankful with the friendly and less than friendly denizens of Norrath and beyond. From 12:00 noon (PST) on Tuesday, November 23rd to 12:00 noon (PST) on Monday, November 29th faction hits, both positive and negative, all across the world will be increased! Gain or lose bonus faction with friends and foes this season! Bonus Rare Chance Increase Those rarely seen special denizens all across Norrath and beyond want to see adventurers over and over again. From 12:00 noon (PST) on Tuesday, November 23rd to 12:00 noon (PST) on Monday, November 29th, several rare encounters will increase the rate of their appearance. Be sure to "show them how much you are thankful" for their appearance during this special time of year! Skinwalker Event Returns Having proved hard to locate, the Skinwalker has been able to keep control of Snarlstone and Longshadow and his minions. Illis Taberish is adamant that that you put a stop to the Skinwalker before the early snows come! The Skinwalker Halloween event returns on Monday, November 22nd and will remain until November 30th. Enjoy!  | |
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