New Marketplace Items: Draconic Furniture Collection
Greetings, Norrathians! Take a look at the newest items available in the Station Marketplace. The Draconic Furniture Collection is a fine set of furniture for any Norrathian home. Available in room sets, a complete set, or as individual pieces, the stately look of this collection will add a touch of class and style to your house. Read more!
Nov 23, 2010
November 23, 2010 Greetings, Norrathians! Take a look at the newest items available in the Station Marketplace. Draconic Furniture Collection (Pieces Avavilable In Sets and Individually) The Draconic Furniture Collection is a fine set of furniture for any Norrathian home. Available in room sets, a complete set, or as individual pieces, the stately look of this collection will add a touch of class and style to your house.  Compressed Draconic Bedroom Set: This mystically compressed item contains: 1 Draconic Bed, 2 Draconic Side Tables and 2 Draconic Lamps  Compressed Draconic Living Room Set: This mystically compressed item contains: 1 Draconic Sofa, 2 Draconic Chairs, 1 Draconic Rug, 1 Draconic Lamp. (*Pictured with one side table; not included in the set.)  Compressed Draconic Dining Room Set: This mystically compressed item contains: 1 Draconic Table, and4 Draconic Chairs To purchase these items in-game, type /marketplace. Then join the discussion on our official forums!  | |
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