Norrathian Home Show - Widdlecat
Novemer 24, 2010Greetings Norrathians. Widdlecat gives us a tour of their home that has been turned inti a Dwarven Pub in this week's home show! Read more!
Nov 24, 2010
 November 24, 2010 Widdlecat Varmintslayer Circle Landing, 106 Park Circle Povar - Quellious My pub, "BEERS!", where everybody knows your name! We proudly serve the finest Shar Val Black Ale and award winning fish rolls!  Beers! Where everbody knows your name... My pub is located on Povar, Circle Landing, 106 Park Circle! We serve the finest Shar Val Black Ale and blue ribbon winning fish rolls! Open late for your convenience!  Beers! Where everbody knows your name... My pub is located on Povar, Circle Landing, 106 Park Circle! We serve the finest Shar Val Black Ale and blue ribbon winning fish rolls! Open late for your convenience!  Here we have bartender David "Sonny" Crockett and his sister, barmaid and baker, Betty Crockett.  Here's the serving wench, Kitty Crockett, tidying up the storage room.  This is the game room where a friendly game of "darts" can be enjoyed!  The beer garden overlooks Sweetwater Pond from where the tastiest fish come! Due to our trial run of adding a pool table and resulting conflict with our dart players, a local favorite sport, drunken fencing has been born! We proudly offer equipment for our patrons to safely challenge one another.* A cleric is available for any services required. *Note: The establishment is not responsible for personal injuries. This is my submission. Thank you for your consideration and time! Sincerely, Cat, aka Widdlecat ~~~~~~(___)>^,,^< To purchase these items in-game, type /marketplace and please on our official forums! | |
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