Norrathian Home Show - Xi Qin Zi
February 10, 2011Greetings Norrathians. This week Xi Qin Zi takes us on a tour of their neighborhood, filled with all the wonders of Norrath. Read more!
Feb 17, 2011
 February 17, 2011 Guild: Xi Qin Zi Market Street and Market Heights Luclin - Stromm Here's our guild's rendition of Seven Wonders of the World...but in the world of Norrath. We wanted to show everyone that with some creativity that they can build just about anything they want to build. Some of these structures no longer exist today so we had to improvise, and utilize some imagination of our own for both inside and outside of them. So you will have to use your own imagination on a couple of them. They are not meant to be an exact replica of the real wonders. These structures look much larger than pictures show, and there are a few surprises inside of the houses. So please feel free to come by and check them out. Outside Overview  Lighthouse of Alexandria   Mausoleum of Halicarnassus   Colosseum   Statue of Zeus   Great Pyramid   Hanging Gardens of Babylon   Temple of Artemis   To purchase these items in-game, type /marketplace and please on our official forums! | |
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