By Eric "Piestro" Cleaver

Producer Thom "Phathom" Terrazas and Executive Producer Dave "SmokeJumper" Georgeson Planning the Opening Night Reveals
The opening night included a big moment for EverQuest, with an announcement by Dave "SmokeJumper" Georgeson of the 18th expansion for EQ, EverQuest: Veil of Alaris!

Dwarven Overlord Brasse Informs Tharkis That Yes, it is a Skirt.

John Smedley Discusses Just a Little Bit About EQNext
Fan Faire certainly had a lot more going for it than just opening night however. There were of course panels, including a discussion of the expansion, a programming panel, and a number of general Q and A's. Some tidbits revealed about our plans for next year include multiple mercenary slots (although only one at a time), revamped hotbars and guild structures, a form of offline trading, and larger bags being obtainable in game.

The EQ Panelists Getting Ready to Run a Presentation

Ed "Aristo" Hardin Answers Player Questions
Besides panels, there were many more activities at Fan Faire, including Live Webcast and Podcast recording and the EverQuest Live Quest. Congrats to the members of Team Awesome who took 1st in the Live Quest!

Aimee "Ashlanne" Rekoske and Robyn "Naylie" Vallee Recording the Podcast

A Team From the EverQuest Live Quest Showing Off Their Gnomish Contraption

Gnobody Gnows the Trouble This Gnome Has Seen
We also had a fantastic EverQuest Tournament, which even included a team fielded by the Developers! Out of the thirteen teams that entered, First place went to members of Team Eternal, Second to Omani-Winter, Third to Team "Dude, I don't even know," and Fourth to Township Rebellion. The Dev Team placed 5th, Gorenaire resisting our valiant efforts to drop her in time.

Doug "Elidroth" Cronkhite, One of the Members of the EQ Dev Tourney Team
Finally, every EverQuest player in attendance had the opportunity to get a little time with the Devs, including during the 2nd Annual Fan Faire Bally's Pool Party! Who knew Alan "Absor" VanCouvering was so popular with the ladies?

Perhaps we should call him LL Cool A (Ladies Love Cool Absor)