It's that time of year again, when the previous expansion is slowing down and folks are preparing for the upcoming release. Just in case there are any last minute tasks you'd like to accomplish, we thought we'd help you out!
Triple Rare Spawns
Starting at 12:00 p.m. PDT* on Friday, October 28, 2011 and lasting through Monday, October 31, 2011, mobs flagged as rare will be spawning at triple their normal rate. Need a few last pieces of gear to get you ready for Veil of Alaris, or maybe you want to finish up some Hunter achievements? This will be your chance to get them!
Discounts on Services
Ever wanted to transfer to a different server? Maybe you feel like you should have made a Barbarian instead of a Troll? We're here to help! In honor of the upcoming release of the 18th expansion for EverQuest, we're discounting select services by a minimum of 18%. So whether it's a new name for your pet or an extra character slot you feel the need for, now is the time to buy!
While we're on the subject of Veil of Alaris, don't forget that about the preorder offer that ends on November 14th. Make sure to reserve your copy today!