What are those wild rogues talking about this week?  In Kytherea's Chit Chat they are discussing what piece of equipment has the most sentimental value.  Take a peak at some of the reponses by following this link; Rogues Discussion

You can follow Kytherea and Ashlanne's Chit Chat threads weekly on the EQ Forum class boards. 

On the Trade Skill boards Mojogoth_Prexus asks about the "Aid Grimel" quest;
I was just wondering the reasoning for allowing the swapping of earrings but not the ablilty to do the quest twice and get both earrings?

You can read Maddoc's (EQ Assistant Lead Designer) response here; Aid Grimel

Lastly for this edition we have a concern from Phantasy77 on our Tech Support forums.  Phantasy77 comments," Here's the problem, several textures appear to be white planes, or squares, or whatever you want to call them. Some that I've noticed are fire and spider webs. If I'm not standing right on top of them, there's a clearly visible white polygonal shape where the texture should be."

Rowyl, a Senior Programmer on EQ, gives an update in his response," I am aware of this problem, and I believe I have identified the bug and fixed it. The fix should be on test server later today."

Good news for any of you who might be experiencing this problem. If you have been experiencing this problem, try logging onto Test and see if it is better.  You can follow the entire thread here; Rowyl 

Thanks for joining us again for Halfling's Hodgepodge.  Until next time, keep those pies warm.

The Community Team