Not many things are part of our lives for as many as 6 years. We are in High School for 4 years, most of us anyway. College is also 4 years. Few television shows are a part of our lives for 6 years. EverQuest has changed gaming and revolutionized virtual worlds.
PC games do not usually have this kind of following, for this many years. Granted, computer games have not been around as long as other mediums, but in that short time, few games have enjoyed this longevity with this measure of success. 9 expansions have been added to EverQuest and I can think of no other game that has added that much content to an already expansive world, rich and alive with content and adventure. No game has held my interest for nearly as long as EverQuest and it may be that none will; only time will tell.
EverQuest has provided us with thousands of hours of entertainment and excitement. It has been here for us to make new friends and slay dragons with old ones. For less than the price of a movie and popcorn each month, we have enjoyed hunting treasure, bringing villains to justice and the camaraderie of shared goals. EverQuest brought many of our fantasies to life and allows us to live the life of a hero or a villain. This world we created 6 years ago has become a backdrop for your stories and your adventures.
6 years may be old for most games but not EverQuest. This game and this world are still young. While many of our team has changed over these years, and many of our friends have come and gone, EverQuest is and will still be here. Norrath will remain for years to come to allow you to experience your own fantasy story. We are proud to have shared these 6 years with you, our EQ community, and while at times it has been a tumultuous ride, one thing is certain, we all love this game.
Brenlo the EverQuest Fan