Community member Redi_Wolf revisits an old discussion, with a new theme... Join the discussion and share your favorite and least favorite zones from the last few expansions...  Zone Favorites

Do you like the new instant zones?  Community member Saroc_Luclin does and he wants to hear your ideas for future instant zones.  Join in the discussion on the Veteran's Lounge and share your ideas.  Instant Zones

Vahlar gives us some insight on how NPCs are named.  What's in a name?

Rashere clarifies a bit on how faction works in Dragons of Norrath.  DoN Factions

Curious about why cultural armor ingredients are so rare?  Absor tells us a bit about why this is.  Cultural Armor

Are you stuck at home for the Las Vegas Fan Faire?  Never fear, Kytherea and Ashlanne plan to keep you updated.  Your Halfling Fan Faire Report