Hello Folks,

 Those of you that play on this server may have noticed an issue with your UI, spell sets, etc...  This is due to the fact that the file names on this server were misspelled for the longest time.  This error has been corrected.  To restore your settings please follow the following instructions...


1. Logout if you are logged in.

2. Go to your eq directory (c:\program files\sony\everquest usually)

3. Rename charname_cazik.ini to charname_cazic.ini

4. Rename BZR_charname_cazik.ini to BZR_charname_cazic.ini

5. Rename UI_charname_cazik.ini to UI_charname_cazic.ini

6. Now you go to your eq/userinterface directory (c:\program files\sony\everquest\userinterface usually)

7. Rename all the BART_charname_cazik.ini to BART_charname_cazic.ini

8. Now you can login again everything will be restored.


An alternate and I am told faster route to changing all of the file names is to do the following -

Navigate to C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest

Right click on the folder Everquest and choose "Search"

Depending on your Operating system the specifics may vary but you want to search for *cazik* this will ensure you get all Everquest files that are dependant on this naming scheme.