The Outer Brood
Welcome to EverQuest: The Outer Brood, the 31st expansion for EverQuest!
High in the sky over the hills of the long-ignored Hodstock Hills looms a massive behemoth. A creature so large that it appears to have an entire castle fortress on its back. Terrifying monsters fly down from that fortress. Huge reptiles with massive, deadly claws, fangs, and too many limbs. These beasts wield magic never seen on Norrath nor by any Norrathian. These creatures, dubbed the Outer Brood by the elders of the Circle of the Crystalwing, speak a form of Elder Dragon that even the oldest of dragons barely understand. Can you lead the charge against such danger, one that has caused even the fiercest elders of the dragon clans to hesitate?
Learn new spells, combat abilities, and alternate abilities.
- Find new items and learn new tradeskill recipes.
- Explore six new zones.
- Participate in new raids and quests.
- Complete new achievements.
- Gain a new Activated Item Key Ring.
- Activated Items are items that can be activated but are not consumables, mounts, teleportation items, illusions, familiars, nor scrolls.
- Join the fight as a Dark Elf Ranger and become one of the Premier Hunters for the Tier`Dal Race.
- To start, enter Hodstock Hills through the East Freeport docks area, or through the river tunnel in Nektulos Forest.
- In honor of the new Dark Elf Ranger race and class combination, Dark Elf heritage crates are available on the marketplace for a limited time.
- Added an Activated option to the Type section when searching for items via the Bazaar and Find Item windows.
- Added a new key ring tab for activated items.
- Expired real estate plots will now send a second eviction notice 3 days before eviction, via in-game mail and chat message, to both owner and co-owners.
- Updated /cast to work with the current max amount of spell slots.
- Added Dark Elf Ranger as a race/class combination. Spread hate and honor Innoruuk in your hunts.
- Added an option to find a corpse from the Advanced Loot window when right clicking on the corpse's name in the list.
- Corrected an issue with area of effect archery abilities not including the effects from Increase Range Damage for all affected targets.
- Corrected an issue with raid and group marked NPCs displaying the incorrect version of their name.
- Corrected an issue with the list of raid and group marked NPCs displaying multiple times after zoning.
- Corrected multiple issues with the current group or raid marked NPCs being lost after zoning or death.
- Items in the Key Rings window will now show their remaining recast time on their tooltip.
- Increased the default width of the Name column in the Key Rings window.
- Converted the Respawn window to the new UI engine.
- Corrected an issue with quantities in the Alternate Currency list not having consistent alignment.
- Fixed an issue where the EQ fullscreen window failed to react to a change in display monitor settings. This could happen if the game's fullscreen window was a different resolution or refresh rate than the desktop window.
- Corrected an issue with the Expedition Information window's list of timers repeatedly scrolling to the top of the list.
- RespawnWnd.html
- EQUI_KeyRingWnd.xml
- EQUI_RespawnWnd.xml
- index.html
- style.css
- The EverQuest Team