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April 30, 2008
Its Legends of Norrath Promo Weekend time once again! Starting Friday May 2nd EverQuest…
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This Friday, May 2nd SOE Phone Support will be closed for a few hours from 10am - 12:30pm Pacific …
Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums
April 28, 2008
Podcast #34 is here!!! We finally hear officially from Robyn Naylie Vallee and 2 …
Every week we highlight EverQuest community members. This week meet Katibrie from the Firiona…
Congratulations to the winners of the 2008 Fabled Haiku Forum challenge!
April 25, 2008
EQ Players will have a 20 minute Maintenance today at 3 pm
April 23, 2008
April 22, 2008
On Wednesday, April 23, 2008 beginning 9:00 am PDT (10:00am MDT, 11:00am CDT, 12:00am EDT, 16:…
On Thursday, April 24, 2008 at 5am PDT, all EverQuest Live Servers (except Al'Kabor) will be coming…
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! But... What you leave at home stays at home! Here are some …
April 21, 2008
Every week we highlight EverQuest community members. This week meet Ismott from the The Rathe…
April 17, 2008
Take a moment and enjoy the latest Official SOE Podcast! In Podcast #33 listeners get to meet…
The Loot Tournament Weekend is set to occur from April 19th – 20th, so get ready …
If you've never been to an SOE Fan Faire before, you've been missing out! Fan Faire is a great …
Many keyed zones from the Ruins of Kunark, Scars of Velious, Shadows of Luclin, Planes of Power, …
April 16, 2008
Think you really know the in and out's of the game? Perhaps you would like to work at SOE as a …
April 15, 2008
The Plane of Time is a mystery all in itself due to the cloud of endless energy that seems to …
On Thursday, April 17, 2008 at 4am PDT, all EverQuest Live Servers (except Al'Kabor) will be coming…
April 14, 2008
Doomfire, the Burning Lands, is within the Plane of Fire which is ruled by Fennin Ro, the Tyrant of…
Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind floats within the Plane of Air. It sits perched atop the …
The Reef of Coirnav is a manifested, material presentation of the Plane of Water. It represents a …
Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands is a representation of all different types of living earth with the…
April 12, 2008
The Plane of Torment floats silently in the ether that lies between the planes. Resembling a large …
April 11, 2008
It's time again for the Legends of Norrath Loot Re-Roll! Check out the two new loot cards we'…
April 10, 2008
Solusek Ros great tower rises up from the inferno of this realm like a single pillar of …
April 09, 2008
Also known as the Plane of Tactics, Drunder is the large stone stronghold that towers above the …
April 08, 2008
The Halls of Honor are home to the Truthbringer, Mithaniel Marr, and the heroes of eras past and …
April 07, 2008
All EverQuest Live Servers (except Al'Kabor) will be brought down at 5:00 am PDT on Wednesday, …
Every week we highlight EverQuest community members. This week meet Dolap from the The …
April 04, 2008
Beginning at 11am PDT/6pm GMT on Friday, April 4, 2008 all SOE Account and Commerce flow, the …
The Bastion of Thunder is located in the Plane of Storms, hovering within an immense volcanic …
April 03, 2008
The first big Legends of Norrath Promo Weekend of the spring is set to kick off on April 4th and …
April 02, 2008
On Thursday, April 3, 2008, all SOE Station Players websites (including Guild sites) will be coming…
April 01, 2008
Every week we highlight EverQuest community members. This week meet Slashtail from the Xegony…
EverQuest is pleased to announce the introduction of a new service that will allow you to …
On Wednesday April 2nd from 9am until 1pm PDT, the Station Store, Character Transfer Service and …
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